About Me

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I have 2 years teaching experience. I have my Bachelor's of Arts in elementary education and certified special education from Neumann University(2008). I teach 4th-6th spec. education in the Chester Upland School District.


Hello and welcome to my blog. Use this page to share thoughts and ideas about Earth Science. If you know of any websites, feeds or books that would be helpful in teaching and/or informing others on topics about Earth Science, please share them. Again, thanks for visiting my blog and be sure to become a follower!


  1. I like the format of your blog. It is user friendly, and I like how you have given students a linked article to read and respond to. I think it can start a worthwhile discussion.
    I checked out some of the media links that you have on the side and was confused with the Earth Science videos. One was a guy talking about how many followers he had, and another showed a screencast of a video game. That may be something to watch out for when linking to YouTube. Although it seems like they have some good links as well, those others could really distract students.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. With the YouTube videos, there was no way I could pick and choose. I will look further into it.

  3. I really like your pages. I think the idea of separate pages is great for an organizational tool. After seeing them in your page, I explored through my own blog to and I may include them in a blog that I would use for my own classroom. Your page titles are direct, which is good for students of a young age. This website is easy to navigate, which I really like since I have never used a blog before in this manner.
