About Me

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I have 2 years teaching experience. I have my Bachelor's of Arts in elementary education and certified special education from Neumann University(2008). I teach 4th-6th spec. education in the Chester Upland School District.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rock Cycle

Here is a first hand look at the rock cycle!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fresh water lab

4th-6th grade scientists

You have complete your experiment with making fresh water from salt water. Your 3 day observation period has ended. What did you observe? What did you find in the bottom of each container? Can you think of any ways you could have sped up the process of evaporation? Explain.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recalentamiento Global

¿Pueden las mariposas enseñarnos sobre afectar del recalentamiento global? Los aumentos de la temperatura cambian los relojes internos de mariposas y polillas. ¿Cómo afectan estos cambios las especies y depredadores? Lea este artículo para aprender más. Después de lectura, parte sus pensamientos.

Artículo-> Una Tapa de Recalentamiento Global

Global Warming and Butterflies

Can butterflies teach us about the affects of global warming? The increases in temperature is changing the internal clocks of butterflies and moths. How does these changes affect the species and predators? Read this article to learn more. After reading, share your thoughts.

Article--> A global warming flap